Product Classification

Our highly qualified team will also search the Allied Act, whether any other department will also be involved w.r.t. Imported Goods, such as:


Our advisors guide you on customs HSN classification compliance after adopting the following procedures, so that your documentation gets created first time right.  We ensure thorough analysis to avoid any non-compliance.

Scrutiny of Documents like Invoice/Packing List, AWB, Catalogue, Technical Write up etc.

Correct HSN (Harmonised System Nomenclature) Classification of Products w.r.t. Current Financial Years, First Schedule of Custom Tariff as per the Finance Bill, 2022

For ascertaining correct HSN Code, our highly qualified team will also go through the General Notes, any relative Sections, Chapter Notes and will also read Applications of Rule 2(b), if classifiable under two or more headings - The Heading which provides the most Specific Description etc.

Our highly qualified team will also search the specific product under the FTP (Foreign Trade Policy) and HBP (HandBook of Procedures) for applicability of OGL (Open General License), Restricted Goods subject to specific License from DGFT or Prohibited Goods.

Our highly qualified team will also search the Allied Act, whether any other department will also be involved w.r.t. Imported Goods, such as:


  • BIS (Bureau of Indian Standard).
  • ETA/WPC License from Department of Telecommunication for WiFi Nature Goods.
  • MOEF Certificate from Ministry of Environment and Forest.
  • Form 10 / MD 15 etc. from the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
  • SIMS / FMNIMS / CHIMS / PIMS Registration Certificate from DGFT for Steel Products, Copper Products, Integrated Circuit and Paper or Paper Board respectively.
  • E-Waste (EPR) Certificate from Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi.

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